
PRONIC by Machine Production magazine

Global specialist in-die tapping, Pronic owes its reputation to experience acquired in the field for over more than 25 years, with robust technologies approved by its clients. Located near Mont Blanc in Marignier, France, its know-how is recognised throughout Europe and the world, in more than 40 countries. Pronic develops in-die tapping solutions primarily for the automotive industry, but also for the electrical and building industries including progressive dies, transfer dies, fine blanking dies, multi-press applications as well as stand-alone machinery.

With profound insight into in-die tooling environments, Pronic has been developing complete in-die solutions for the insertion of special components since 2010 (bushings, rivets, special nuts, bearings, spacers, ball joint rivets, studs, pins, etc.). The ST1 range is a single tap solution for M3 to M6. These units are designed with a detachable tapping head, to be used for single tap applications.

The two-part design makes the handling of the unit much easier and reduces the downtime for tap change. The tapping head can be driven by a mechanical or servo-driven motorisation, which are fully interchangeable. The use of these tapping devices is much easier with the automatic adjustment of the tap position (auto setup function) and the disengageable cartridge.

For In-Die solutions,
Think Pronic  !

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