
Project ATMOSphere: Pronic, a player in the green transition

Pronic, world leader of in-die tapping and insertion solutions continues its commitment to protecting its natural environment and greater well-being.

 Native to the Mont Blanc region, the company is very attached to its roots and the protection of its environment. This is why Pronic supports and actively takes part in the project ATMOSphere.

A result of more than 2 years of work, carried out by two associations from the Haute-Savoie. Inspire and Cellule Verte 74. ATMOSphere is an interactive multimedia documentary about the air quality in the Vallée de l’Arve.

The double challenge of the project ATMOSphere:

- Spark awareness: show the causes and often unsuspected scale of air pollution and its consequences.
- Offer solutions: provide tools and resources to become key players in improving air quality.


The project does not stop there.
ATMOSphere developed a Toolkit, composed of informative articles that gather advice or links to change our vision and our way of living, in order to reduce our environmental footprint.

This tool is divided into 4 categories:
-              Habitat
-              Transport
-              Responsible consumption
-              Health

Do not hesitate to take part and share this beautiful initiative and spark awareness about new environmental challenges.



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