
Pronic - a year 2016 marked by innovation and development.

As 2017 begins, it is time to take stock for the leader of in-die tapping and insertion! A year punctuated by great innovations, strong development and the growth of its team.

2016 was the year of development, with the conquest of India! It’s a first for Pronic, with its “oil filter application” special tapping machine securing its place in that country, the Silicon Valley of Asia. Pronic is also evolving in a technical sense with the launch of two new product functionalities:

• CENTROLUB with lubrication through the centre to increase throughput rates especially for deep extrusion pieces while reducing lubricant consumption.
• Auto set-up to make spindle-adjustment automatic.


An evolution supported by a new website, launched in June 2016 with the collaboration of the EcloLINK agency. Stylishly modern and dynamic, this new interface is in the image of Pronic. In the same web context, Pronic has entirely reworked its mypronic.net cooperative space for a more intuitive and efficient experience. From project management to ordering spare parts, through document control, MyPronic.net is a cooperative platform with tested and approved features.

These efforts have paid off since Pronic has registered for the 6th consecutive year an 8 point growth in turnover compared with 2015! Pronic remains the preferred partner of the automotive business in Europe. Nevertheless, the company’s presence on an international scale remains very marked, to accompany all its customers worldwide.

The share of In-Die insertion activity shows double-digit growth and promises still more great years of development.
2016 was equally the year of new employment, with 10 new colleagues to reinforce the drawing office, the automation service and the set-up workshop. Pronic is preparing for the coming years by surrounding itself with top talent.

So, Pronic is advancing strongly in this new year, carried forward by its team, technical innovations and new markets! “We want to bring solutions guaranteeing the quality and repeatability of in-die tapping, while continuing to develop insertion solutions. We want to be the key player and point of reference for in-die operations”, confides Laurent Terrier, Commercial Director at Pronic. A strong promise and great ambitions that lead Pronic to constantly look farther afield, to the other side of the world with the conquest of China (with already 2 employees and a distribution network to be developed) but while consolidating the North-American market long-term.

Still more great projects for Pronic!

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