
Pronic, a varied team with multiple skills for each of your projects!

Behind every in-die tapping and in-die insertion project there are men and women. Today we introduce you to some of them!

Jean-Baptiste – Fitter
For the past 22 years, Jean-Baptiste has juggled his job as insertion systems assembly leader with his role as technical and methods referent for the entire team.
What drives him? The variety of missions and the challenges to be met on a daily basis!
Mechanical, electrical, pneumatic or hydraulic skills (only that!) allow him to fine-tune custom-made equipment.
According to him, Pronic is a company on a human scale that carries out beautiful mechanical projects for its clients. In 3 words... In Die Solutions!

Catherine – Shipping
Catherine is known for her good mood and energy!
For the past 22 years, she has also been in charge of the shipping department: preparing orders, making manufactured parts available (internally or externally) to the assembly teams, issuing manufacturing orders or receiving and distributing packages. She loves juggling these different missions!
Proud to be part of the company, she cannot help but think about her upcoming retirement (end of October!) but encourages everyone to join the Pronic family!

 Antoine – Tapping design office
Creative and meticulous, Antoine loves the technical nature of Pronic technologies. In the design office, he is in charge of the design of tapping projects; he accompanies the fitters and assists the teams with any technical questions.
For him, Pronic is a company with strong human values and great technical skills
What does he enjoy? The technical challenges proposed by the customers.

Frédéric – Insertion design office
Frédéric has been a double role: design office technician but also team-leader or technical and process referent for 10 years now.
On a daily basis, he develops new technological bricks, new functions, products or prototypes to propose projects to sales teams, fitters and customers. His qualities? He is capable of wearing all the hats of technical design, with notions of methods enabling him or her to optimize the design of components and sub-assemblies, as well as interpersonal skills.
What makes him tick? To follow the projects from the idea to the realization to the start-up, but also to be on the lookout for all the new technologies!

Emilie – Buyer
Procurement, stock monitoring, supplier management, price negotiations or ERP referent, Emilie loves a job well done and getting things done!
For her, Pronic represents a company on a human scale in which she flourishes thanks to varied and empowering missions in a friendly atmosphere.
What does she like most? The relationship with all the teams and the outside view with the different suppliers.

Gregory – Adjuster operator
Technical and human, two leitmotifs that characterize Grégory!
A typical day ? After carrying out daily checks on his numerically controlled machine tool, he manufactures parts and then ensures that they are perfectly sized and provides the necessary final touches.
Humility, respect and honesty are fundamental values that make him feel good at Pronic.
Passionate about his job, he encourages people interested in machining and goldsmithing to join the company!

To find out more about the services offered by Pronic, visit our website!

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