Please give us your feedback
Throughout product life cycle, the quality of support is decisive in allowing you to obtain the best performance from a tapping or insertion solution. Strengthened by our experience of more than 30 years, we are capable of accompanying and advising you like no other company from the co-conception of the solution through to rapid on-site intervention to get your application up and running again.
and engineering
The PRONIC team follows you throughout your project and, based on your technical data, defines the tapping or insertion solution best adapted to your needs. This Tailor made solution is developed together, under a project leader and in your own language to achieve the best product. This partnership is a very strong pledge to our mutual success.
We are also able to carry out tapping or insertion tests and support you in all steps of the application (such as resistance of the fastening point, help in defining the inserts,…)
The quality of the design work carried out during this phase is crucial for the success of the project and a successful start-up. In addition, we take great care to 3D-develop the product you will integrate in your tooling. Thanks to modern communication, we are able to share our computer screens and via short exchanges to obtain the optimal solution for your application.
Before any production launch of the insertion or tapping solution, we carry out a full review of the tapping or insertion design, based on a 3D representation of your stamping die, to avoid any bad surprises at start-up.
Whether your tapping unit or your insertion system is recent or very old, we are capable of supplying all the spare parts to maintain or repair it.
If you have a doubt about a part reference or need a specific information, do not hesitate to contact us. Experienced personnel will assist you and lead you to the correct answers.
There we are. The press is ready. The die is installed and the tapping unit or insertion solution in place. The anxiety and concentration of the first press stroke give way to the joy of a job well done. The parts exit the press and go off to be tested. Everyone is smiling. This is the objective we follow for each project: to achieve the perfect start-up that crowns the good work our teams put in over several months.
At these start-up days or other moments convenient for you, we will also train your team on how to properly use and maintain your PRONIC solutions. It is a key and capital moment in acquiring the autonomy necessary to your return on investment.
4Launch and training
and revision
Want your PRONIC equipment serviced? Feel free to send it back to us. We will check it out and send you a quote within 48 hours, so that you can have it back in working condition.
You find that your tapping or insertion application is not producing fast enough or exactly as you wish. With our experience, we are able to audit your application to identify the areas of improvement and decide jointly the actions that can be taken for its optimization.
and optimization