
Why call on Pronic for your In-Die tapping and insertion operations?

In order to increase the productivity of your stamped parts, Pronic offers you the possibility of integrating In-Die operations (tapping, insertion of a fastener) directly into your production die, which are usually performed as secondary operations.
Did you know?
A part that does not require a rework operation reduces the need for logistics and human resources because there is no buffer storage or handling between operations.
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- The finished part comes off the press and does not require a secondary operation
- Reduced logistics requirements: no buffer storage between press and secondary operation
- Reduced resources: less manpower and special machines (sorting, secondary operations) required to finish the part
- Stability and repeatability of the production process: no hazards, all operations take place under press without interference. The manufacturing process is controlled and always identical
- Guarantee of a stable and controlled quality: each part is automatically validated
Increased know-how and technical expertise: your reputation is enhanced

In-Die operations for tapping and insertion of fasteners have been offered by Pronic for over 30 years!
The technologies are proven, easy to use and reliable.

Why choose Pronic?
Choosing Pronic for your In-Die solution means opting for security.
Our offer is designed for performance and robustness, with the guarantee of a high OEE and a rapid ROI.
You will also benefit from support and follow-up from the study and development of your project until the start of production and training of your employees on the tool.
We guarantee the maintenance and repair of your equipment without time limit.
Finally, our offer is tailor-made and optimized for your production tool.
Learn more about our solutions

Our customers say it best
1- A customer who was already using In-Die tapping (not Pronic) called on our team because he was having uptime and support issues
We then accompanied him to :
- Define the best tapping solution to be integrated into his die
- Start-up of the tapping unit
- The training of its operators
The result: A tool that produces at 55 ppm/min, with no breakage due to the tapping operation, and a customer who wants to replace all his tapping equipment with Pronic solutions, with maximum reuse of these devices.
2- A long-time in-die tapping customer called on a competitor for his equipment.
After unsatisfactory feedback from his application, he called on Pronic again.
Why did he do this? Because we listened to his needs and helped define a solution so he could get more reliability from his tapping solution, and because of the responsiveness and quality of Pronic's service.
3- A company we did not know contacted us to replace a complete nut insertion system.
Their need? Increased productivity of the equipment.
The result? A rate increase of more than 30%, and a second piece of equipment on order !

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