
Why do In-Die operations perform?

For many years now, Pronic has been able to provide an in-die tapping or in-die insertion solution.

Some stamping parts have added values in a sub-assembly (fixing, guiding, rotation point, etc.) that require one or more specific elements (threaded hole, clinched nut, stud, ring, clip-nut, etc.)
There are two options:

  • - These operations are done as secondary operation
  • - Or directly in-die at the same time as the stamping.

Discover our In-Die tapping and insertion solutions


Why choose in-die rather than a secondary operation?
1 – It reduces production costs: the finished part comes off the stamping process and therefore does not require a second operation
2 - Reduction in logistics requirements: no additional storage between the press and the secondary operation
3 - Reduction of resources: less workforce and special machines (sorting, rework) needed to finish the part
4 - Stability and repeatability of the production process: no hazards, all operations take place in-die without interference. The manufacturing process is controlled and always identical
5 - Guarantee of stable and controlled quality: each part is automatically validated
6 - Increased know-how and technical expertise: your reputation is enhanced

Discover our In-Die tapping and insertion solutions


Our Goal: To Optimize your production process: Make the most of every press stroke
Going In-Die, increases your productivity and expertise, optimizes your production costs and reduces your resource requirements.
To conclude, the stamping process offers all the advantages:

  • - Reliability
  • - Cost-effectiveness
- Technological performance

Pronic your Partner
In-Die tapping or insertion, PRONIC accompanies you in your projects and guarantees your solutions adapted to your needs. So, for your next projects, think PRONIC!

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