
New Auto-setup function - Automatic adjustment of the tap position

Putting a press tooling into production is a delicate operation that requires time and resources. The anxiety and concentration of the first press strokes give way to the joy of a job well done.

Pronic's goal is to simplify the installation and start-up of our solutions in order to save you time and, above all, to increase the value of your production more immediately.

Last innovation for a successful start-up

For several weeks, our teams have been working on a new function of automatic adjustment on all our tapping units with electromechanical motorization: the auto-setup function

The objective? To simplify and secure the implementation of tapping applications.

How does it work?
When starting up the tapping unit, it is no longer necessary to precisely adjust the position of the taps.
From now on, you only have to install the tapping head, switch on the system and the tapping unit automatically moves to the safe position.
As soon as the selected tapping application is initialized, the tap spindle(s) automatically move(s) into its working position for immediate production.

Watch a video example of how to get started :

Why call on Pronic?

Our team assists and advises you from the co-design to the implementation of our solutions in order to :
- Guarantee you a simple, fast and reliable utilization
- Guarantee you a reduction of the press downtime for a better productivity

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